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Weather Guard / Pluvius

What It Covers

A reduction in revenue (compared with previous years) caused by bad weather that keeps customers away from your event, but is not necessarily adverse weather (weather that makes your event unsafe), or;

An agreed value sum insured that is paid out if a defined weather trigger is met (usually either a predefined amount of rainfall (in mm) during a period of time, or a predefined temperature) on a specified date.

Who It's For

Event organisers/managers, concert and tour promoters, ad agencies, media companies, filmmakers, charities and not for profits, schools and community groups, and any other entity that organises events.

Where It's For

As this type of cover relies upon verified measurement of rainfall or temperatures, an approved weather station that takes hourly or half-hourly rainfall recordings and/or daily temperature recordings must be within close proximity to the event location. If no such weather station is available, the Insured may elect to have an approved meteorologist on site for the duration of the event to take the required measurements but this is at their own expense.

Altamont can insure events that take place anywhere in the world (excluding Lloyd’s sanctioned countries) as long as the Insured is domiciled in Australia or New Zealand.